June 19, 2011

waves and ripples

    Here are some screenshots and video capture of a Processing sketch I made to show wave motion on a plane in 3D. This sketch is a lot of fun to mess with and it produces some really amazing looking results.

    Unfortunately neither the images or video show the beauty of watching these run at full speed in their native environment. The video is not good at all. I haven't found a nice way to capture video on my computer yet, the files are huge, the quality is poor, and the worst part is that doing the capture bogs down my computer making the sketch run abnormally slow and choppy. At least you can get a sense of what the motion looks like though. The images, while free of these issues, just don't capture the beauty of watching the plane freely wave and ripple. I think that, despite the limitations, these images and videos are still pretty awesome though and I hope you enjoy them.

Note: I forgot to turn off the [non-working] sound when doing the screen capture. Thats why the video has those crazy sounds.

This is a basic sign wave propagating from the center pf the plane.

From straight above:

and from other perspectives:

June 18, 2011

music visualization

A short low quality screen capture video of a music visualization I made in Processing. Unfortunately there is also no audio but the sketch in the video was reacting to the music playing at the time. This visualization built off work I've been doing with manipulating a grid of points in 3D. I will probably post more on that later.

June 11, 2011

Pattern Interference

Here are some interference patterns made from various manipulations on two overlaid point grids. Created with Processing.

June 10, 2011

More Intermediate Beauty

    Programming is an art and a science. Like most things in life, the fun is in the journey.
    Here I was working on creating my own noise generation algorithm. I had hoped to make something like Perlin noise. I wanted to take a shot at it before studying how others (including Ken Perlin) approached it. After making these I decided I better start studying. So far I've come to realize Perlin pretty much made his algorithms to avoid the approach I took (for really good reason). Still, I made some pretty pictures.


These were just a couple of screenshots from another project, I thought they looked awesome though.

Angle Reference Circle in Processing

When I think back to trig, I seam to remember 0 degrees always being horizontal and to the right of the center. That turns out to be pretty arbitrary. Different programming languages tend to have different ideas about what angle is considered 0. It's not a problem, just something you need to know in order to get the angels your expecting. The following image is of a sketch I made in Processing to show what it considers 0. Turns out it's down and vertical. I went ahead and made the whole circle with some tick marks for practice. The labels show the angle in both degrees and radians. The lines in the center are random, the numbers on them just show the order in which they were created. The code to create them later served as the base for the branches in the random recursion tree from my last post.
I made a screen shot and used it as a reference to help visualize angles while programming but without the overhead of having a Processing sketch running. Perhaps it could be useful to someone else as well. If someone wants a cleaner version without the center lines, let me know and i will add it. Or just make your own. Here is the code I used, simplified a bit though so it just draws the main circle with tick marks and labels but does not put those random lines in the center.